Big Chest Workouts, Get The Defined Chest You’ve Always Wanted

If you want to grow pecs like the Rock then this is the post for you…

You probably think you’re not activating your chest enough because your chest isn’t growing despite working hard in the gym for months.

And your pecs still look flat as a pancake instead of rock solid like the chest of a greek god.

Before we jump into what you need to do for your workouts, there’s an important caveat to this post…

If you have too much body fat, then none of the advice in this video will apply.

Because no matter how hard you train you won’t see your pecs if they’re under a layer of fat.

So if you’ve got love handles that you can grab onto or you’re carrying a bit of holiday weight you need to lose some fat to get the chest of your dreams.

I’ll make a separate video for you on how you can get your fat down so you can see the chiseled chest you get from reading this.

Today’s video will be focussed on people who have lower body fat and still have pancakes for pecs.

The first thing you need to do to get your pecs to grow is progressively overload your training.

Now you’ve probably heard this before but it made no sense.

So let’s break this down…

All progressive overload means is you need to progress each session.

That can be more sets, reps or weight.

The muscles don’t care which one you chose as long as you do slightly more each session.

And you don’t have to add a huge amount every time, you can add as little as 1 more rep or 1 more kilo each time.

The best way to make sure you’re doing this is to keep a log of what you do each session.

Then add an extra rep, set or kilo next session..The second thing you need to grow your chest is to train at the right intensity.

That means at the end of your set you need to be close to failure but not actually failing.

If you go to failure every set you’re more likely to put too much stress on the chest.

If you do that you won’t be able to recover, the muscles won’t grow and there’s a high chance you’ll get injured!

If you stop 2-3 reps away from failure at the end of your set then you should be golden.

You’re providing enough stress to the muscles and getting close enough to failure to get them to grow…

Without running the risk that you’re going to do yourself a mischief and have to take time out of training (which will really kill your gains).

Once you’re progressively overloading at the right intensity, you need to focus on your number of sets per week.

The ideal number of sets per week for muscle growth is between 10-20 for each muscle group.

That means you should be doing 10-20 sets of chest exercises.

That includes chest flys, bench and pressing overhead as they all use similar muscles.

You can imagine that the ideal number of sets falls into a bell shaped curve.

Down below 10 sets you’re stressing the chest enough to get much growth..

Above 20 sets you’re above the point of diminishing returns where you’re going to be more likely to get hurt without actually growing much more muscle.

The way that I work out how many sets to use with my team is start at the lower engd. to think about how long has this person been training.

If they’re relatively new to training I’m going to start closer to the 10 sets per week.

If we start there and they’re not seeing any progress then we add in more sets..

Remember it’s easier to add sets in than it is to get rid of them.

So start at the lower end and bring them up if things aren't working.

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