Can I lose fat and build muscle at the same time?

You want the holy grail of results...

You want to pack on a ton of muscle and you want to lose fat at the same time.

But can you do it?

That's the real question.

You feel like if you had an athletic lean body you'd feel more confident, have more energy and you'd be happier.

And I totally get it, I have had my own struggles with feeling embarrassed to take my top off on holiday because of how my stomach looks.

Feeling shame whenever I looked in the mirror, and seeing how much fat I can grab on my stomach and love handles.

I've even tried all the diets out there, paleo, gluten free, veggie and I spent years wondering why I wasn't getting any leaner.

So - can you build muscle and lose fat at the same time?


*but only in certain situations.

Alex what are those situations?

Number 1 You're a Beginner

Now this can mean a couple of different things so let me clarify.

You can be a beginner to lifting (i.e. lifting less than 1/2 years).

If you're new to lifting then you're doing to be super sensitive to training.

That means for you it's going to be easy to put on muscle because your muscles aren't used to being stressed by lifting weights.

And because you've not been doing it long it's possible for you to lose fat at the same time because your energy the amount of energy you're using up by doing training is also going to be higher than what it was before.

Beginner Part 2

If you have been lifting longer than 1/2 years it's still possible to do build muscle and lose fat...

If you have never paid attention to your nutrition.

This is especially true if you're not been fuelling your body with enough energy or eating enough protein in the past.

If you haven't been doing either of those things then you haven't been providing your body with the building blocks it need to build muscle.

Which is kinda like trying to build a house without having any bricks.

So you're very likely to get the holy grail of gains!

Intermediate & Advanced Lifters

Now if you've already dialed in your nutrition and you've been consistently lifting weights for a couple of years it's unlikely you're going to build much muscle and lose fat at the same time.

It is possible though, so when?

Doing A New Exercise In A Weight Loss Phase

If you're in a weight loss phase where you're losing fat then it's possible to add muscle to a specific part of the body if you start doing something completely new.

Let's say you never do any form of upper body pulling.

If add some rows into your programme while you're losing weight then this is going to be such a big change to the body you'll build some upper back muscle.

This is because that part of the body is relatively less trained than the rest of you.

But you're not going to put on any muscle elsewhere.

And the focus everywhere else will be on maintaining what you have while you lose fat.

So if I want to do both and you're not in one of these situations, what do you do?

Well if you're an intermediate at lifting and your nutrition you're going to get way more bang for your buck by doing a muscle gain phase and a weight loss phase separately.

If you want to build a ton of muscle, lose fat and get stronger than you've ever been in your life schedule a call with me below!