How did I get injured (and what to do about it so you can never get hurt again)

You just got injured and now you're wondering how did that happen?

Was it because of your lack of mobility?

Your hips being out of alignment?

Because you've got imbalances?

Or your poor lifting form?

Here's the reality, all injuries happen because

There was more stress on the body than it could handle.

The body can handle stress if you apply the right amount.

If fact.

It actually gets stronger if you apply the right amount!

Your bones, ligaments, tendons and muscles all get stronger if you get it just right.

So now we know why injuries happen... we can look at the reasons why you got hurt.

Was it because of my lack of mobility?

Yes and no...

Less mobility means that the stress is spread over a smaller area of your body as you move.

But the real problem is still how much stress you placed on the body...

More than it could handle.

So will increasing your mobility help?

It might mean you handle a bit more stress next time, but if you keep putting too much stress on the body you're going to keep getting hurt.

What about my poor form?


If your form is more efficient is might mean that you can handle a more stress than if your form was less efficient.

But we're probably talking about less than a 5% difference.

The real problem is you're placing too much stress on the body.

What about my imbalances?

Nah fam...

Imbalances like having one leg is longer than the other or more range on one side than the other doesn't cause injuries.

You were probably born with these differences...

If you survived for 20-30 years without having problems until now why would they suddenly have become the cause of your problems now?

But Alex why do physios test one side of your body and compare it to the other if that doesn't cause my injury?

Well if you've had an injury for a while you've probably changed the way you train because of it.

Maybe you stopped doing an exercise, went lighter or took some time off.

During that time you probably lost some range of motion, strength or fitness on the injured side.

And then when you went back to lifting with the injured side being a lot less stong/ fit/ mobile it's going to handle less stress than it did before.

And then you're more likely to get hurt.

Ok so if it all boils down to the amount of stress on the body, where is the stress coming from?

First of all your programme - the sets, reps, weights that you're lifting are all placing a stress on your body.

And as you increase that week to week as you progress the stress is increasing.

But even if your programme didn't get more stressful, your life could have.

Maybe you started working longer hours, sleeping less, having arguments with a loved one or worrying about your finances.

If your life got more stressful you can end up getting hurt without your programme getting more intense.

And in these cases you may need to adjust your programme if you can't control the other life stresses.

Sound like there's a lot of things to consider?

That's because there is...

Want to fix your injury and get stronger than you've ever been in your life?

Schedule a call with me below now!