How I lost 6kg of fat without counting a single calorie

A few years ago I lost 8kg of fat and when I stopped dieting I put it all back on (and more).

In fact I became so obsessed with counting every calorie I ate. Been there?

At the end of every day I would work out exactly what I had left and try and eat that exact amount.

I would check myfitnesspal before I ate anything.

You see the goal was to put on some muscle...

But I completely ballooned and ended up 7kg heavier than I was when I started losing weight.

So if you've ever tried to lose weight then put it all back on, this story is for you.

I reached out to get the help of a nutritionist to start losing weight.

They put me on a meal plan to help me lose weight, and don't get me wrong, in the short term it totally worked.

I was shredded and I lost 8kg of fat but whenever I ate off plan I felt so anxious. I struggled to eat out with my friends because I felt so guilty.

And even though I knew I had flexibility in the plan it ruined my mental health.

And it ended up giving me an eating disorder.

So last year when I wanted to lose weight to get lean for my wedding.

So I could feel confident in my suit and actually fit into smart clothes.

I didn't want to ruin my mental health or balloon after.

So I developed my Performance Habits system.

It's an 8 step system based on simple eating habits that help you lose fat and build muscle...

And its foundation is centred around building a better relationship with food so that it's sustainable long term.

You don't have to count any calories...

And you have the freedom to eat all the things you like.

Yes I did have to cut down the amount of pizza, beer and chocolate I ate...

But I still had them every week!

And what was the result?

I lost 6kg and of fat and felt great on my wedding day!

Not only that, 1 year later I weigh the same amount I did last year...

I haven't counted a single calorie.

And I can eat out with my friends without feeling guilty or anxious.

So if you’re ready to lose 5kg of fat within 90 days click the link below to schedule a call with me now!

You’ll walk away knowing exactly what you need to do to drop 5kg of fat.