The Ultimate FAST Muscle Building Workout Plan

This is the perfect post for you if you’re looking to build muscles like the rock.

If you want to get jacked and tan then there’s 4 simple steps to packing on kilos of muscle with your workout plan.

Without these you’ll be training hard, putting in loads of effort but feeling like you’re not getting any return on your investment.

It’s kinda like putting a ton of money in the stock market and not seeing any returns.

And there’s 1 caveat to everything I talk about here.

If your nutrition is in the toilet then none of the stuff in this post will work.

If you want to know what you should be eating to build muscle then check out my other post HERE.

Step 1 for your workout plan is categorizing your movements.

There are 6 movement types your workouts should include.

For the lower body: squats, hinges and calves.

For the upper body: push, pull and core.

By hitting all of these movements in the week you’ll train every muscle in your body and pack on tons of muscle.

Now you know the movement types we need to discuss how often to do each one.

For most people the optimal number of times is 2-3 times per week for each movement.

That means bro splits where you only do push 1 time per week aren’t ideal for maximising muscle growth.

Because 1 time a week isn’t often enough.

If you do each movement 2-3 times per week the muscles get a chance to recover and grow inbetween each session.

This means you’ll be able to lift heavier weights in each movement and grow more muscle!

It also means that the stress is spread over 2 sessions instead of 1 so you’re less likely to get hurt!

But how hard do you need to work?

Should you be going to failure all the time?

Oh no my friend!

You shouldn’t be going to failure often.

In fact, it’s actually best to stop 2-3 reps away from failure.

That way you can stress the muscles without risking getting hurt.

Nothing is going to kill your gains more than getting hurt.

We can still grow tons of muscle without risking injury if we stop 2-3 reps away from failure.

Now we’ve got the movements, the frequency and intensity sorted we need the right number of sets.

And there’s actually an ideal range for building muscle.

Outside of this range you’re going to stress the muscle too much or too little.

And either way they won’t grow.

10 - 20 sets per week for each muscle group is ideal to maximise muscle growth.

And when I say muscle group, that means your movement categories that you worked out earlier..

So your pull ups, your bent over rows, your reverse flys and inverted rows will all count towards  your pulling movements which should be between 10-20 sets per week.

For your quads, all of your back squats, front squats, split squats, leg press and leg extensions will count towards your 10-20 sets of squats per week.

And finally the most important principle you must follow is progressive overload.

This means that over time you need to stress the muscle more.

That can be more reps, more sets or more weight.

It’s not as important which method you use.

What’s more important is that you choose one and stick to it for a set period of time ( around 6-12 weeks).

That means you need to stick to the same exercises and in that time and slowly add more reps, weight or sets each session.

If you follow ​​these rules you’ll be packing on kilos of muscle in no time!

If you’re ready to add 5kg of muscle within 90 days click the link below to schedule a call now. 

You’ll walk away knowing exactly what you need to do to make gains.