How Thomas Solved Years Of Pain And Hit A 10Kg Personal Best In Just 4 Months

When Thomas came to see me he'd had pain on and off for years.⁠

Whenever he started lifting heavier he started to get niggles.⁠

He had shoulder, back and knee pain...⁠

And it was stopping him from making progress in his lifts.⁠

He'd tried adjusting his training and resting but as soon as he went back to lifting heavy the pain came back.⁠

He was really frustrated that he couldn't make any progress so he reached out to me.⁠

Initially he was skeptical about working with someone online but he felt like it was important to work with someone that understood his sport.⁠

The first thing we did was test his range of motion.

When we looked at his shoulder mobility he had 25% less range on his painful shoulder.

Because he had significantly less range of motion on his painful side we predicted that this was part of the issue he was having with his shoulder.

So we worked on addressing this with his Performance Programme.

On testing his lower body endurance we found that his quads didn't have as much endurance as we would have expected.

So we also added some muscle endurance work for his quads into his programme.

After just 4 weeks we were able to find a way for him to train with less pain and still work on his weightlifting technique.⁠

After we resolved the issues from the initial testing we tested his strength.

His painful shoulder and his painful knee were both significantly weaker than what we would have expected for a weightlifter.

Without having enough strength to do his weightlifting, he was always going to run into pain when he started lifting heavy again.

This is why despite resting and doing low level rehab exercises with other physios he never fixed the root cause of his pain.

So once we fixed the initial issues we worked on getting his shoulder and knee muscles stronger.
Now after 4 months of working together his leg strength has increased by 40kg and he was feeling much more balanced from side to side.⁠

His shoulders also got significantly stronger.

And he hasn't had any pain for months...⁠

In fact, the other week he PR'd his clean at 125kg, +10kg on his previous best!⁠

He's feeling much stronger and confident that the pain isn't going to come back and looking forward to competing again in weightlifting not that he can lift heavy again.⁠

If you’re ready to fix your weightlifting pain within 90 days schedule a call with me below to find out the root cause of your pain and get a clear plan to permanently fix the issue without resting.

Alexander Dear