The Best Recovery Article Ever

Odds are you've heard that you should be stretching and foam rolling to maximise your recovery.

You've probably seen it on a youtube video or blog article and you feel guilty that you're not doing it.

Or maybe you do it but you still feel sore and achey all the time.

Don't worry it's not you Dr Google can be really confusing when it comes to these things.

There's so much information out there, it's kind of overwhelming, even for me.

I know that you want to maximise your recovery so that you can lift heavier, get stronger and not get hurt.

If you could do that you'd probably have more energy and confidence.

You'd be getting that buzz from your training and you'd be looking forward to every session because you know you're going to smash it.

It's kinds like how the Rock feels whenever he walks into a room, you feel like you're the fucking boss.

So here's the deal, if you want that you need to look at the recovery pyramid below.

The things at the bottom of the pyramid are going to give you the most bang for your buck.

If you were investing your money, these are the things that are going to give you the best returns most consistently and turn you into Warren Buffet.

So the first tier of the pyramid is your programme.

If you want to maximise your recovery and not get hurt then you can't be doing a stupid programme.

If you're doing a programme that's too heavy or intense for you then it doesn't matter what recovery methods you use you're never doing to to do enough to recover.

You're going to feel achey and sore all the time and you're going to get hurt eventually (if not repeatedly).

Once you have your programme sorted then you can move to to the next tier, sleep.

"If sleep was a drug, you'd take it" is one of the best quotes I've ever heard.

If you're not sleeping >8 hours per night consistently and getting good quality sleep don't bother doing anything else until you sort that.

Tier three is your nutrition. There's two major components to nutrition:

Number 1 you need to eat as much energy as you use up. This is kinda like keeping your car topped up with petrol. If you're not putting in as much as you're using up, eventually you're going to run out of petrol. So in the body's case, if you're not eating enough energy eventually you're going to be running on empty.

Number 2 is making sure that you're getting enough protein. Protein helps you build muscle and repair them after training, so if you don't eat this you won't build muscle and you'll be sore all the time.

Tier 4 is managing your stress. No matter what you do if you're not able to manage your stress you're only going to be able to train so much before you break.

Reducing your stress where you can is one of the most underrated things you can do for your recovery.

Tier 5 is that 6 letter swear word that we all hate... Cardio! If you're getting gassed out during your training sessions and you're not recovering well you could benefit from doing some extra cardio.

I know we all hate it, but it doesn't have to be a horrendous WOD that makes you throw up, it could be as simple as going for a walk.

Ok, so here's what you actually came here for, tier 6 is the gimmicks.

This includes stretching, foam rolling, massage, ice baths, epsom salts, CBD oil and any other crap you can think of that I haven't already mentioned.

Everything in this category has a minimal (if any) effect on your recovery.

Focusing your efforts here before you sort out the first 5 levels is kinda like going to the hardware store to get milk.

The reason why they give you so little bang for your buck is because they either have no effect on the recovery process OR they actually harm it. For example, foam rolling can have an effect on soreness but it actually changes the healing process, and as a result it can actually reduce the amount of muscle you build after your session.

So while it might make you feel a bit better in the short term, in the long term it's could actually slow down your strength gains because you're not going to build as much muscle.

So now you know how to manage your recovery and get a better return on your investment than Warren Buffet.

If you want to stop feeling sore and achey all the time and get rid of your injuries for good, lift heavier and get jacked in the next 90 days book a call with me below now!