How to fix your injury by lifting weights

So you got hurt, now what?

You were training and you felt a pop.

Odds are you're worried that it's going to get worse.

Maybe it's not so bad right now, but it could get worse and stop you from training.

You don't want to take time out and you're probably worried about losing all your gains or putting on weight if you stop training.

So here's the deal, injuries aren't caused by your poor form, asymmetry, posture or poor mobility.

Injuries are caused by your programme.

If your programme is too much for your body, you can't recover and you get injured.

So what you need to do is adjust the dosage of the programme.

It's kinda like going to the doctor and asking for some pain medicine.

If they give you way too much you'll be falling asleep in your sessions and throwing up in the chalk bucket.

You can try and take coffee to stay awake or eat simple things so you're not sick.

But neither of those things address the cause of the problem - how much of the painkiller you're taking.

So the solution is to reduce the dosage of the meds.

And it's just the same for your programme.

If your body can't handle the intensity of your programme right now, you'll start to get achey and sore all the time and eventually you'll get injured.

So the solution isn't to start changing your form, doing mobility work or stretching for your tightness because none of those address the cause of the problem...

The solution is to adjust your programme.

There's two key things you can change:

1. The weight on the bar

2. The number of sets

By reducing the weight on the bar there's less stress on your body. Doing this you can often get back to training straight away.

If that doesn't work cut down the number of sets on the exercises that hurt.

Even though you might not feel like this is a workout, it's the quickest way to reduce your pain and fix your injuries without stopping.

Soon you'll be getting stronger without having to worry about getting hurt!

And you won't have stopped training and put on weight or lost your gains while you recovered.

If you want to fix your injuries, lift heavier and get jacked AF in the next 90 days, click here to book a call.