The secret behind why you keep getting injured (and what to do about it)!

If you've been injured for the 10th time in the same place then you need to read this article.

I know the drill - odds are you were training hard, making progress and getting stronger and then BAM you got injured.

You thought it would go away but it probably got worse for the next 2 days.

So you decided it probably needed some rest.

1 day turned into a week and then 2 weeks.

And when you came back to the gym you felt like it had all cleared up.

You took it easy for the first week or two return to your programme but after week 4 you started to notice the pain again.

Then the next time you got into a heavy couple of sessions the injury flared right back up again.

Now it's probably been a few months (or maybe even years) and this pattern has just kept repeating itself.

It's frustrating because whenever you feel like you're starting to make progress you have another setback.

You feel like you're not making progress and you're worried about having to stop lifting heavy because it's bacd for your body.

Well here's the deal.

The problem isn't your body and it's not because you're not doing enough mobility.

The problem is your programme.

There's either too much volume (the number of sets per week) or it ramps up too quickly.

Either one can cause you pain. And no matter how much reading you do on the internet, no-one will tell you that's the real reason you're in pain.

Every time you get hurt and you take time off from training you're actually making things worse.

When you stop training you lose strength and fitness.

And then when you come back to lifting you're weaker and less fit than you were before. So when you jump back into the programme where you left off (the same place your body couldn't handle before when it was fitter and stronger), how the hell is it going to handle it now?

That's why no amount of stretching, foam rolling, icing or mobility work are going to change how sore and exhausted you feel after every session.

It's kind of like trying to drive a car around with your foot flat on the accelerator 100% of the time. No matter how many times you fill up the tank you're going to be driving around with an empty gas tank pretty quickly.

So, what can you do about it?

Well if you're following a Russian squat programme that was designed for people on the juice 30 years ago who lived on a training camp, didn't have a job and had zero stress in their life you need to consider using a different programme.

Or if you want to fast track your way to resolving your pain by lifting weights so you can get strong AF and feel great again...

Click below to book a discovery call with me now!

Alexander Dear