The Shocking Truth About Foam Rolling

Odds are you feel sore all the time, you've got more tension in your shoulders than a cheese wire and more knots than a sailor.

You're worried that this is causing your pain and it's going to get worse.

You probably think your body is like a machine and these are signs it's about to break down.

If that happened and you had to stop training you'd lose that mental release you get from your job and it would really affect your mental health.

If it got really bad and you had to stop training forever, you'd be devastated.

So you've started foam rolling and yeah it feels a bit better for the next hour or so but you've noticed that it doesn't get rid of the problem.

Here's the deal, foam rolling works by changing the information that your brain gets about the body part you squish, it doesn't do anything to the actual muscle or tissues in your body...

it's purely psychological.

So when you're foam rolling you're only treating the symptoms of the problem, you're not actually addressing the cause.

It's kinda like having a leaky pipe in your kitchen, when you're foam rolling you're clearing up the water that's spilt all over the floor...

But you're not fixing the hole in the pipe so the water keeps coming out no matter how many times you clear it up.

So what is the cause of all the tension, tightness and knots?

The simple answer is the amount of stress that you're putting on your body is too much for it to handle.

That results in you feeling tension, pain and knots.

It's your body's way of letting you know that it's close to it's limit, you're doing too much and you need to change what you're doing or you could get hurt.

This happens for 1 or 2 reasons. Either:

  1. Your training programme is too intense for you right now.

  2. Your training programme hasn't changed but your life stress has gone up (e.g. you're working crazy hours, not sleeping well or something is happening to one of your close friends or family).

So even though your training isn't more intense the overall stress on your body is higher and it can't handle it right now.

So the way to fix the pipe is to adjust your programme or reduce your overall stress (where possible).

If you do that then all the tension and tightness will melt away, you'll be feeling fresh in the mornings, sleeping like a baby and hitting PBs in your sessions!

So if you want to get rid of your tension and tightness for good, lift heavier and get jacked in the next 90 days click the below to book a call with me now.