The Traffic Light System: Safely Train With Pain And Recover From Your Injury

If you've got pain in an exercise and you're worried about making it worse and doing permanent damage then this video is for you.

You probably hurt yourself the other day and now you're worried about going back to training.

You know that you need to let the body heal but you don't want to lose all your gains.

You think you should 'rest' but you don't want to miss any sessions and you're worried about getting fat if you stop training.

If that sounds like you then the traffic light system tells you if it's safe to train with your pain.

Traffic light system starts with the green light.

If you do an exercise and it's not painful during or for the next 48 hours then we can say that your pain was a green.

If the pain is green then we are safe to continue training or even progress the training next session with more weight, sets or reps.

Amber is when you do an exercise and it's painful but manageable at the time and for the next 48 hours.

If your pain is amber we will first repeat the same session next time and see if the pain gets better. If it does then we can progress next session knowing things should be ok.

If the pain worsens next time or doesn't improve then we might reduce the stress of the exercise by lowering the weight, sets or reps next session.

If your pain was not manageable when you were doing the exercise or for the next 48 hours then we would say the pain was red.

When the pain is red we need to reduce the stress on the body next time we do this exercise. So we will try to lower the weight, sets or reps next time to reduce the pain and make the exercise safe.

If you continue to train in the red for a long period of time, the pain is likely to get worse so we always want to make a change to the exercise when the pain is red.

At first don't worry about getting the colour "wrong" there are no wrong answers when it comes to this.

This system is about learning to listen to the information your body is giving you about your training.

Want to get injury free without resting so you can safely hit PB's while permanently fixing the root cause in the next 90 days?

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