6 Steps To Never Get Hip Pain From Squatting Again (Part 1)

If you’ve got hip pain from squatting this post is for you.

If you’ve tried lowering the weight or seeing a physio and still haven’t been able to squat pain free I got you.

And don’t worry I’m not going to tell you to stop squatting!

In fact, stopping is the worst thing you can do.

So what should you do?

First you should try and lower the weight.

Say that you get pain when you squat over 80kg, try and take the weight down to 60 or 70kg.

If that gets rid of your pain when you’re squatting then you should start training in that weight range.

But Alex I’m not going to get any stronger if I do that - I hear you say.

You’re probably right, if the lower weight isn’t close enough to failure then you’re not going to.

So here’s what we can do about that.

Step 2 - slow down the tempo.

By slowing down the tempo for example 3 seconds down and 3 seconds up you increase the amount of time under tension.

This makes lifting the same weight harder so even though you’ve got less weight on the bar you can actually still stress the muscles and stimulate them to grow and get stronger.

There’s also the added benefit that at slower speeds you’re going to be getting additional technique practice and improving your form.

What if you try that and you’ve still got hip pain from squatting?

Then step 3 is to adjust the reps and sets.

Sometimes the problem is that your volume (the total number of reps you do in your session) is too high.

So by reducing the number of sets or the number of reps you will reduce your pain.

So let’s say you were originally doing 3 x 10 at 80 kg.

You took it down to 60 kg and added a 3 second tempo to the concentric and eccentric part of the movement.

But you were still feeling hip pain from squatting.

So you changed the rep scheme to 3 x 5 which is half the total number of reps.

And your pain went away…

But you still felt like you were getting a good stress into the muscle.

Then you my friend have found a way to keep training without getting any pain!

From here, you need to slowly progressively add more weight and more reps until you get back to the weights you were at before.

If you’re ready to fix your weightlifting pain within the next 90 days schedule a call below now.

You’ll find out exactly what’s been causing your pain and get an actionable plan to fix it.