6 Steps To Never Get Hip Pain From Squatting Again (Part 2)

If you’ve got hip pain from squatting that’s stopping you from getting stronger this article is for you.

If you haven’t already tried the 3 steps in part 1 you should go back and read that now click here!

If you’ve already tried the first 3 steps and not got rid of your hip pain from squatting then read on.

Step 4 is to reduce the range of motion.

Often hip pain from squatting happens at full depth in the squat.

If that’s when you get your pain then for a couple of weeks remove that part of the movement.

This will let the hip settle down while you keep training the legs and getting stronger.

This works well with slow tempo squats because you can stop right before you feel the pain in the bottom the hole.

Step 5 change the exercise

If you’ve tried all 4 previous steps and you’re still getting hip pain from squatting you should try a different squat exercise.

Let’s say you’ve been back squatting it’s time to swap the back squat for a front or split squat or the leg press.

Changing the exercise will still train the legs but the different variation will take the stress off the hip because they either change the angle of your hip or they limit how deep you can go into hip flexion.

The shorter range of motion will stop the pinching sensation at the front of your hip.

I recommend swapping to one of these variations for a couple of weeks until the hip is settled and then slowly transitioning back to the variation that was a problem.

Still not got rid of your pain?

Then you need step 6…

Step 6 is to reduce the overall covolume of the programme.

If the other steps didn’t work then you’ve got hip pain from squatting because the overall stress from your training programme is too much for your body.

That means you need to deload or reduce the intensity (weight on the bar) and volume (number of sets) of your programme.

As a general rule you should be doing between 10-20 sets per week for each muscle group.

If you’re doing more than 20 you’re doing too much and cutting this down should stop your hip pain.

If you want to get rid of your pain in the next 90 days without stopping lifting, schedule a call with me below now.

We’ll get to the bottom of what’s been causing your plan and give you a clear plan for how to resolve it for good!