How To Gain Muscle When You're Injured

Imagine coming back from your injury with more muscle than when you got hurt.

Odds are right now you're injured and you're worried about losing all your gains.

You're worried about losing your muscle and strength, coming back to training weaker than when you got hurt.

Losing muscle and putting on fat would literally be your worst nightmare.

Your confidence and happiness would probably take a massive hit.

But don't worry you can maintain your muscle and even pack it on while you're injured!

You need to take a two prong approach.

Part 1 is your diet.

You need to eat lots of protein.

Ideally 1 g per lb of bodyweight (2.2g per kg of bodyweight).

This will do two things:

1. Provide your body with the building blocks to build muscle.

Just like building a house, if you don't have the bricks you can't build the house, if you don't have protein you can't build muscle.

2. Maximise your healing because protein will be used to help repair your tissues.

Boom, Mic drop!

But wait that's not all.

Part 2 is your training

If you keep lifting by going close to failure for each muscle group you can still pack on muscle.

Even if you swap the barbell for machine weights you can still pack on muscle while you’re injured.

You just need to find a movement for the muscle that doesn’t hurt.


If you want to fix your injury and pack on muscle in the next 90 days so you can feel strong AF again click below to book a call with me now.

Alexander Dear