The Ultimate Mobility Method

If you're reading this you want to increase your mobility.

You probably think your lack of mobility is holding you back from lifting more.

If not then you probably think it's going to get you injured (or it's already causing your injury).

You want to get to the point where you have full mobility, where you can hit those full depth squats and overhead movements without pain.

Where you're confident that you're not going to get hurt because you have good mobility and you can push your limits.

When you can do that you'll be feeling so good and hitting those personal bests that you'd been longing for!

But right now you're frustrated at your mobility.

And if you've already been working on it you probably feel like you've gotten nowhere.

Maybe you've tried stretching, foam rolling, lacrosse balls or other torture devices but none of it seems to have made a difference.

Well if that sounds like you your story there's nothing wrong with you, you've just been using the wrong method to increase your mobility!

I actually spent years stretching, foam rolling and using torture bells for 30 minutes a day everyday and I got nowhere.

Then I found out about this crazy method that's 4 times more effective than stretching, it increases your mobility by 14% in under a minute!

I recently tested this on one of my clients to make sure it didn't just work on me.

His shoulder mobility was holding him back so he tried stretching and it increased his range by 3 degrees.

When I got him to try my method his range increased by 13 degrees with just 1 set!

What did he do?

He used loaded eccentrics.

WTF is that Alex?

It's when you hold onto a weight and slowly lengthen the muscle.

Just like when you're lowering the weight down from your shoulder on the second half of a bicep curl.

When you do that it actually makes the muscle longer AND STRONGER!

So you can increase your mobility and get stronger at the same time!

If you want ton increase your mobility, fix your injuries and start hitting personal bests in the next 90 days then click below to book a call with me now!