The Shocking Reason Why Physio Doesn't Work For Weightlifters

If you're currently being held back by your injury and physio didn't work for you this is best article you'll ever read.

Odds are you want to get rid of your injury for good so that you can lift personal bests and get back in shape!

Right now you're probably in the cycle of getting hurt, taking time out of training to do some boring rehab and then as soon as you try and lift you get hurt.

If that sounds like you I bet you're frustrated that you can't train properly.

You've already seen a physio and I bet you were told to stop lifting.

You were probably given some bodyweight exercises but told not to lift because it was dangerous.

You're probably fed up of not lifting and you're worried that if you go for it you'll do some permanent damage and have to give up lifting for good.

Don't worry though, if that sounds like your story I've heard if many times before.

There's a simple reason why you're not seeing any progress.

If you've been working with a physio who doesn't understand lifting that's your problem.

They probably think it's dangerous so they tell you stop to stop lifting while they give you some exercises that even your granny wouldn't find hard.

And sure it makes your pain better while you're not lifting.

But the whole time you're not lifting you get weaker...

And then when you go back to lifting you've actually got a higher chance of getting injured.

So when you try and lift heavy again, you get hurt.

What you really need is a physio who understands lifting.

Who lifts themselves and can give you one programme for your rehab and your lifting.

So that you can lift AND rehab your injury.

So that you get stronger and pain free at the same time.

If you did that then you would break the cycle of keep getting injured and you'd get back in shape.

You'd never have to stop training again because of the injury because you'd finally fix it for good.

And you'd be able to push your limits and lift the heaviest weights you've ever lifted.

Making you feel confident and happy again.

Want to fix your injury, lift heavier than you ever have done before and get back in shape in the next 90 days?

Click below to book a call with me now.

Alexander Dear