How to get stronger without getting injured!

If you've ever been hurt you know how devastating it can be.

Especially when you're on the verge of hitting new PBs and you're feeling strong and confident AF.

When you're looking forward to every gym session because you know you're going to crush it...

When you're literally oozing confidence from your veins.

It's like a slap to the face when you get hurt and have to take a step back.

Then you probably take some time out to rest and let it heal.

And when you go back you want to make sure you can get stronger without worrying about hurting yourself again.

If that sounds like you don't worry bro, I got you!

I have a proven system that I use to help lifters get stronger without getting hurt.

I've used it with over 60 clients and it works every time (not just 50% of the time).

The reason most people run into issues is because they're training to failure too often.

When they get to the end of the set they physically couldn't do any more reps.

And when you train to failure too often it adds a huge amount of stress on the body and increases the chances that you'll get hurt.

So if you want to get stronger and not get hurt, you actually need to stop before you get to muscular failure.

Alex how can I stop before failure and still get stronger? You are joking right?

I'm absolutely not...

The way you do it is by using the reps in reserve system.

At the end of each set you ask yourself the question, gun to my head, how many more reps could I have done?

And the answer should be 2-3 reps more if you really pushed it.

So at the end of each set you're leaving a couple of reps in the tank.

The research shows that you can get stronger than the Rock training this far away from failure and you can do it...


Because you're not adding all the extra fatigue from going to failure too often.

Want to fix your injuries and get stronger than you've ever been in your life in the next 90 days?

Schedule a call with me using the calendar below now.